「どうやって英語がペラペラになったの?」「頭の中で考えるときは英語? それとも日本語?」……。少しジョークを交えながら、カジュアルな英語で楽しく会話する様子に注目です。
Ayeee! sup?
How are you bro?
Ayeee! sup?:ayeは“Hi”、supは“What's up?”のスラングで「やあ元気?」という意味。bro:“brother”の略。親しい間柄の人の呼びかけに使うことが多い。
I'm doing great! How are you doing?
I am good too, thanks!
So this chat is going to be entirely in English right?
Yep yeponly texting in English
I feel kinda weird speaking English with you lol
I feel kinda weird speaking English with you lol:普段2人は日本語で話しているため「君(とむ)と英語を話すのは、なんだか変な気分(笑)」という意味。weirdは「変な」、lolは「(笑)、www」。
Yeah, me too!
We have never spoken in English together, so, haha
I'm actually curious, first of all, how you became so good at English!
I am learning English cuz I want to become popular with girls, hahahaha
I used to live in Canada for studying abroad
Right! How long was it?
It was probably 9 months
Before I went to Canada, I didn’t understand English at all
Wow, so you basically learnt everything there!
Yes! like I didn't even understand what plural is lol
How old were you back then?
I was 19 or 20 yrs old
I see,
How did you learn English bro?
I was 12 when I first started to learn English
By yourself?
Yes. And it wasn't even like "STUDYING". I was just watching TV dramas in English with Japanese subtitles.
So I never understood grammar and stuff then
Omg that's insane. how?
Omg that's insane:「えー!すごすぎる!」という意味。omgは“oh my gosh”の略。
I used to watch dubbed(吹き替え) TV dramas
But one day, it just felt so weird 'cause the movement of the actors' mouths didn't match the audio in Japanese
Hahaha true
So I switched to the original audio track, which was in English, and I actually felt much more comfortable with it
So cool! You’re so talented!
You’re so talented!:「天才だね!」という意味。たくみは、とむが海外ドラマの吹き替え版にある違和感に気づいたことを褒めている。
Thank you!
The best thing about this was probably that I was always motivated to listen to English.
No one forced me to do that, but essentially I was doing the same thing as remembering the vocabulary, grammar and other things.
Ahhhh that makes sense