Hi!!! So glad to be with you.
Hellooooo my broooo!
Finally we made it.
Finally we made it:“make it”は「都合がつく」という意味。お互い仕事で忙しいので、たくみは「ようやく会えたね」と言っている。
Yeah. we did buddy.
Aight can you introduce yourself?
My name is Alex. I have been working at baton for 4 years and am currently in the business administration department.
business administration department:会社の業務を管理する部署のこと。
I was born in Tokyo, but went to school in California.
Niceee! Is Alex your nickname?
Yeah. I got when I was junior high school student then registered it in university.
registered it in university:英語圏以外の出身者が英語圏で生活するとき、現地の人にとってなじみのある名前を「イングリッシュネーム」として使うことがある。「Alex」はもともとニックネームで、アメリカの大学に通う際にもこの名前を登録して使用していた。
Sounds cool.
Why did you decide to go to school in the U.S?
Initially, I was interested in global affairs and international relations, so I wanted immerse(浸す) myself in the field of diversity(多様性).
That’s why sometimes I give lectures about those in the company. Glad you came to the Korean one haha.
lectures:社内ではときどきAlexによる、世界情勢(global affairs)や国際関係(international relations)を学ぶレクチャー(講義)が開かれている。
I know lol
You speak Mandarin too right?
Right. I speak Mandarin(標準的な中国語), Spanish, Korean and so on.
There’s no way lol you speak 5 languages fluently!?
Yeah, pretty much, haha. But the fluency of languages always depends on how often we speak, right? So, sometimes, I forget words, haha.
Like I mistake Korean words for Chinese ones haha.
That’s crazy.
Bro I heard you can read Italian and Russian can’t you?
As for Italian, I learned it for a year. It is so close to Spanish, so it's kinda easy.
KINDA EASY:“kinda”は“kind of”のくだけた表現。スペイン語をマスターしているAlexにとって、似ているイタリア語は「まあまあ簡単だよ」と発言したことに対して、たくみはとても驚いている。
Russian was the hardest. I actually failed haha.
That's why speaking English at work with you is so rewarding(やりがいがある).
He’s my English teacher.
I think we are the only people who constantly use English at work, aren't we?
Yes we are. I don’t wanna lose my English so.
I love to tell dad jokes to you hahaha.
You always tell me such difficult jokes that I can't come up with an answer.
Okay I give you new joke.
Knock Knock
Wait don’t you know the joke?Like “knock knock” “who’s there?”
“knock knock” “who’s there?”:「コンコン(ノックの音)」「誰?」というやりとり。このジョークには続きがあるのだが……。
AHHHH Goat!!!
Goat!:“Greatest Of All Time!”の略で、「最高!」という意味のスラング。
I now see what it is.
Come on my brother! Aight let’s start it again.
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
I don't get it sorry lol.
You always win.
Noooo okay this is what I was gonna do“Knock Knock”“Who’s there?”“Deja”“Deja Who?”“Knock Knock”
Did you get it?
I see maybe.
“Deja who” sounds like deja vu, that’s why it started back again.
“Deja who?”のジョーク:「Deja」と名乗った人に対する“Deja who?”(デジャって誰?)の発音が、“deja vu”(デジャヴのこと。前にも見たことがある様子)と似ていることから、“Knock Knock”がずっと続いていくというジョーク。Alexは途中まで意味がわかっていなかったが、たくみからの説明で理解した。
Ah I seeeeeeee.
Ahahahahaha I got you.
次ページ:「英語を学ぶと、”broaden our horizon”だよね」。たくみとAlexが伝えたいこの言葉の意味は?